Monday, May 26, 2008

The Endless Highways of Intellectual Starvation

Today i am Hell..We started driving at 10am on what was to be a 12hr trip form Tours, France to some point in Italy 3 hours from Rome. Well, it's 8pm now and I have been told that the drive will not be ending in 2hrs, but instead will actually take a total of 18hrs to complete getting us there at 4am. Is there anything worse than that feeling i am experiencing this moment? I can liken it to watching Steve Mcqueen in "Papillion" escaping from his jungle prison after being in solitary confinement for 4 years only to be caught again 6 months later and thrown back into solitary for another 6 years. Feeling kinda like that right now.
On the bright side, we just drove past a castle on top of a mountain overlooking a quaint little French town....
Bright side lasts 6 seconds, the rest of it lasts 18 hours....

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